Going 'guerrilla'

In a completely separate undertaking from the 'Casillis' land, there was a fair bit of effort expended  trying to interest local residents to do something with the waste ground at the top of Morton Drive, Dalrymple. To that end, a public meeting was held on Wednesday the 27th May 2015 in an attempt  to constitute a group but there was a very poor turn out and not enough to form a committee. The few that did come along were very supportive and enthusiastic and had lots of good advice as to the next steps we could take. The main problem with the waste ground is the height of the grass which is a complete haven for mice and other little rodents and of course is used as a dog toilet. It seems a good approach would be to turn this little parcel of land into a short grass meadow with wild flowers attractive to both bees and butterflies. So with a little bit of 'guerrilla gardening' its suggested we start the process of by planting some yellow rattle. So watch this space folks!


Some background: The waste ground is actually the responsibility or 'burden' on the residents of Morton Drive as detailed in their property deeds. Therefore the council will not take responsibility for its upkeep such as keeping the grass down. A Residents Association was never set up nor a factor appointed before the developer went into administration. Where similar has happened in other areas of East Ayrshire, the residents have got together and formed an association along with appointing a factor to carry out maintenance of shared ground.

Update: Sunday the 5th July 2015 saw the first 'Guerrilla' activity in what I'm now going to refer to as the Wildflower field. For more info and ongoing updates as the project continues click on the following link.


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